Board of Directors Roles & Responsibilities

Purpose: The Board of Directors has the following responsibilities: providing advice, governing, overseeing policies and direction, and assisting with leadership and general promotion of the organization to support its mission and needs.

Mission or purpose statement: The mission of Kids Need Both, Inc. is to provide education and support to families facing child custody conflict.


*Major Roles:

  • Organizational leadership and advisement
  • Organizing the board of directors, officers, and committees
  • Formulation and oversight of policies and procedures
  • Financial management, including adoption and oversight of the annual budget
  • Oversight of program planning and evaluation
  • Personnel evaluation and staff development, when this becomes necessary
  • Review of organizational and programmatic reports
  • Promotion of the organization
  • Fundraising and outreach

*All board members share these roles while acting in the organization’s best interest. Each member is expected to provide recommendations based on their experience and perspective.



  • The Board of Directors holds twelve in-person or online meetings per year, and at least 80% attendance is required.
  • Committees of the board meet as needed, based on their work agenda, and participation in a committee is mandatory.
  • Fundraising events and campaigns play a crucial role in promoting the organization, so participation in campaigns and attendance at fundraising events is required.


Expectations of all board members:

  • Regularly attend and actively participate in meetings and special events.
  • Serve on a standing committee of the board (most committees should have a board member as chair, but non-board members can also participate).
  • Recruit additional volunteers and potential board members.
  • Identify and communicate concerns that relate to the organization’s mission, objectives, and programs.
  • Assist in communicating and promoting the organization’s mission and programs.
  • Gain familiarity with the organization’s finances, budget, and resource needs.
  • Understand the organization’s policies and procedures.
  • Financially support the organization to the best of one’s ability.


 Presidential Duties:

  • Set organizational goals with the support of the Executive Committee (VP, Sec. & Treasurer).
  • Sign all legal documents, contracts, agreements, etc., on behalf of the board and center.
  • Prepare the agenda for board and executive meetings. Board members and non-board members can request to add items to the agenda, but the president organizes and prioritizes the agenda. Exceptions can be made by board vote.
  • Conduct board meetings following Robert’s Rules of Order.
  • Facilitate board discussions, ensuring equal participation, calling for motions, and resolving prolonged discussions.
  • Remain fair and impartial.
  • The board president is a member of all committees but does not need to attend all committee meetings. Committee chairs should report discussions to the board president.
  • Delegate tasks, appoint committee members and leaders, and ensure committee projects are discussed.
  • Follow up with committee leaders to ensure accountability for special projects.
  • Manage time during board meetings to avoid prolonged discussions. Complex matters should be assigned to committees for detailed discussion and recommendations to the full board.


Vice-Presidential Duties:

  • Serve on the Executive Committee to assist in setting organizational goals.
  • Support the president in holding committee leaders accountable for their responsibilities.
  • Preside over board meetings in the absence of the president or if the president needs to recuse themselves.
  • Prepare necessary copies of agenda, minutes, and handouts for board meetings.
  • President may delegate any presidential duties to the Vice President for completion.


Secretarial Duties:

  • Serve on the Executive Committee to help set organizational goals.
  • Keep minutes of board and Executive Committee meetings.
  • Manage correspondence between the board and its members, both board and non-board members, and maintain proper records.
  • Maintain official records on attendance, general participation, activity participation, volunteers, and volunteer hours.
  • Safeguard the organization’s bylaws and have a copy readily available for board discussions.


Treasurer Duties:

  • Oversee incoming deposits and outgoing expenditures.
  • Track all income and expenses.
  • Provide the board with a summary of income and expenses categorized appropriately.
  • Balance and reconcile the checking account.
  • Manage petty cash, receipts, and reports.